Feb 17, 2025


Automatic OpenTelemetry schema migrations

Dash0 can now automatically update attributes (for Resources, as well as Spans, Logs and Metrics) to their latest naming as defined according to the OpenTelemetry semantic conventions.

OpenTelemetry semantic conventions regularly gets updated, where attributes or even metric names get changed. For example, http.status_code got updated to http.response.status_code for better consistency with other attributes.

For engineers to keep all names up-to-date, this can be very cumbersome work and where it is easy to miss some instrumentation sources, resulting in inconsistent attributes. This makes querying difficult, as not all signals will get in- or excluded as expected. Also Views or Dashboards might not work as expected.

Dash0 now supports executing the migrations as defined by the OpenTelemetry schemas itself. Via settings, the user can pick whether to always update to latest, or to one specific version from the list:

dataset settings with semconv version picker

A specific version can be pinned to prevent e.g. breaking dashboards in the future, when new migrations become available. Signals will never get downgraded to a specified version.