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Dash0 explained.

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  • Alert

    An alert is a trigger that a specific change in a system's health has occurred, which indicates potential issues. An alert will result in a notification to the system operators so that they can take further actions to remediate or fix the issues.

  • API

    Public methods and properties that are used to interact with Dash0’s objects; a set of REST endpoints used for retrieving and manipulating information.

  • APM

    APM, or Application Performance monitoring, is a software tool that measures and tracks an application's performance. It helps understand answers related to how the application is performing in real time.

  • AWS

    Amazon launched Amazon Web Services (AWS) in 2006 to offer organizations a cloud computing platform on a “pay-as-you-go” basis. AWS is the world’s leading cloud provider. Dash0 offers an AWS integration.


  • Build

    A build refers to source code that has been converted into software artifacts that can be run on a computer. Because a project results in many builds, each build is tracked using its “build number.”


  • Data lake

    Datalake is a single storage that stores different types of monitoring data, such as logs, metrics, traces, and events. Single storage allows for far more correlation than data stored at different places.

  • DevOps

    DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development and operations to shorten the development life cycle and improve reliability. The idea behind the DevOps is to reduce silos between different teams and make software delivery faster via automation and collaboration.

  • Downsampling

    Downsampling reduces the data points in a time series to make it more manageable without losing the essence. It can reduce the cost of storage and the performance of querying.


  • Event

    An event is primarily a change event that can mean a pod restart, deployment, or configuration flag change. Events are important because they affect the system's state externally and can help correlate incidents with metrics, traces, and logs.

  • Exporter

    An exporter is a component that collects and transforms metrics data from a specific system or format into a standardized format that can be consumed by monitoring systems.


  • Integration

    The ability to understand how your application is working and behaving in production through telemetry data (logs, metrics, traces, wide events, etc.). It enables you detect, diagnose and resolve issues in your app before they impact your users and become problems.


  • Observability

    The ability to understand how your application is working and behaving in production through telemetry data (logs, metrics, traces, wide events, etc.). It enables you detect, diagnose and resolve issues in your app before they impact your users and become problems.

  • OTLP

    The OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) specification describes the encoding, transport, and delivery mechanism of telemetry data between telemetry sources, intermediate nodes such as collectors and telemetry backends.

    OTLP is a general-purpose telemetry data delivery protocol designed in the scope of the OpenTelemetry project.


  • Span

    A span represents a unit of work or operation. Spans are the building blocks of Traces. In OpenTelemetry, they include important information such as Name, Start and End as well as references to other Spans, especially the Parent Span, to build a visual, usually tree like, representation of cause and effect.