Mar 4, 2025

RED Charts in Tracing Explorer

The Tracing Heat Map is very powerful and provides an intuitive way of detecting outliers in terms of slowness or clusters of errors in the blink of an eye. (And now with no more Lost in Time issues, getting a first peek at the offending spans is so easy!)

But sometimes, you want to focus just on one aspect, like error percentage or duration percentiles. You already could today in many visualizations of Dash0, like the Services list and tables, but now we brought it to the Tracing view as well in the shape of the RED Charts.

The RED Charts are an alternative visualization alongside our Tracing Heatmap within the Tracing Explorer. This powerful combination balances detailed analysis with actionable clarity:

  • Heatmaps reveal nuanced latency patterns and request distributions over time
  • RED Charts highlight systemic trends in request volume, errors, and durations.
Tracing Page showing Requests (Span Count), Errors (Error Percentage) and Duration charts for the adservice for the last 6 hours.