Dash0 exposes various public APIs allowing you to configure Dash0 and to query your data.

Dash0 supports a variety of APIs for telemetry ingestion, extraction, and configuration. This page, the integration hub, and the endpoints reference within Dash0 are good starting points for learning more. We recommend inspecting the integration hub first for all ingestion needs. For everything else, stay on this page!

The Dash0 endpoints screen showing all the supported API endpoints.
The endpoints reference provides a quick reference of the available endpoints for your chosen deployment region. You can also find small copy-paste snippets here to try them out.

The image above shows the endpoints reference available through your organization's settings. It is a valuable reference screen for learning about the necessary URLs and authentication headers for the relevant APIs. The following sections assume you know this reference and can use it for these details.

Ingestion APIs

Dash0 supports a variety of ingestion APIs. Instead of elaborating on these here, we highly recommend that you check out the integration hub available through our website and the Dash0 UI.

Prometheus APIs

Dash0's API implements Prometheus' APIs. You can configure any tool that relies on Prometheus APIs to communicate with Dash0 instead! For example, you can configure the Perses and Grafana data source plugins to retrieve data from Dash0.
The Prometheus APIs are available on Dash0's Prometheus API endpoint (generally under the /api/prometheus prefix) as visible through the endpoints reference screen. Authentication works through the Authorization: Bearer ${DASH0_AUTH_TOKEN} header with any authentication token having the querying permissions.

The endpoint reference screen showing a Prometheus API endpoint snippet
The Prometheus API reference as seen within the endpoint reference screen.

We have expanded on the default Prometheus APIs with additional capabilities that are helpful for easier integration and scripting with other solutions:

  • All of our built-in variables, e.g., $__rate_interval, are resolved.
  • You can use relative time ranges for the from and to fields, e.g., now and now-6h.

Configuration APIs

Dash0 also supports various proprietary APIs that are currently focused on configuration needs. We publish these in steps as we feel comfortable with their maturity. These APIs are documented via dedicated API docs.

Authentication works through the Authorization: Bearer ${DASH0_AUTH_TOKEN} header with any authentication token having the querying permissions. You can inspect the API base URL via our endpoints reference screen.

Last updated: March 6, 2025