We are excited to announce the Dash0 beta launch. Sign up.

Step 0 - Sign in to Dash0

Sign in for using Dash0.

Authentication Methods

To simplify the sign-up and sign-in process, you can use Google or GitHub as authentication providers. You can register using your email address, too.

If you already have an account, you can sign in:


(If you already have an invitation, please follow the link in the invitation to access the organization to which you have been invited.)

Otherwise, please click Sign up at the bottom of the page:

Screenshot of Sign up form

Screenshot of Sign up form

Verification of Email Addresses

To verify the email address's validity, we are sending you a verification code to the specified email address. Copy and paste the code into the form to access Dash0.

Screenshot: Sign up form email verification

Screenshot: Sign up form email verification

Next steps

After the verification is completed, you can immediately access Dash0 and have two options:

  1. Follow the onboarding screens to send your data to Dash0
  2. Experience Dash0 using demo data (based on the OpenTelemetry demo) we provide

In case you have already started working with the onboarding screens and want to go back, you can always visit:


Last updated: August 30, 2024